ABCs Singing the Sounds Courses
Subscription-based phonics courses
Child-friendly videos & catchy songs
Appropriate for ages 3–9.
Hundreds of engaging worksheets

More courses will be added regularly


ABCs Singing the Sounds

Appropriate for ages (3-5)
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A unique musical approach to learning the basic sounds of each letter. Subscribe to our free course now!


ABCs Singing the Sounds

This course includes 26 chapters teaching the sounds one letter at a time. There are 10 matching worksheets, one easy and one more advanced. Also, there are coloring sheets and a scavenger hunt activity to do after each letter video. Lastly, included are downloadable songs to practice with in the car, at home, or in the classroom.

Course includes:

✔️ 26 Video lessons teaching the letter sounds with word examples and a follow-up practice video where the sounds are muted

✔️ 26 Songs to play for practice time

✔️ 26 Downloadable coloring sheets for each letter

✔️ 10 worksheets are included after every 5 letters. There is an easy match-letter-to-photo worksheet and a more challenging match-2-photos-to-letter worksheet.

✔️ Scavenger Hunt Activity: 26 downloadable pictures to use for a scavenger hunt activity for each letter. Parents and teachers may plant items around a room that start with the letter they just learned.

✔️ Directions: Place the pictures of letter A all around the room for your child, and then play the song and have them search for the words that start with the letter A.

✔️ You can also prepare items from around your house to use before each lesson, such as an apple or airplane toy. Have fun, be creative, and make this activity exciting to enhance your child's letter recognition.

✔️ Also included is two songs teaching the two ways to say the letter C and G along their practice track with sounds muted

✔️ 3-in-1 games are included after every 5 letters

✔️ Book List

✔️ Growth sticker chart to mark off progress through chapters and worksheets!

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Singing the Sounds Completion Certificate

ABCs Beginning Blends

Appropriate for ages (4-6)

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This course is designed for children to learn the beginning consonant blend sounds of two letters.


ABCs Beginning Blends

This course includes 22 lesson videos teaching the beginning blend sounds. Singing the blended sounds reinforces segmenting and blending of letters through song, aiding also in memory retention. Picture examples are also provided to help your child become familiar with new words and more phonetically aware. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car, at home, or in the classroom.

Course Includes:

✔️ 22 Video lessons

✔️ 22 Practice songs with muted sounds for practicing

✔️ 22 Matching activity worksheets

✔️ 4 Downloadable iSpy coloring worksheets 

✔️ 8 Beginning blend worksheets

✔️ 4 Easy Worksheets

✔️ 4 Challenging worksheets

✔️ Growth sticker chart to mark off completed chapters or worksheets. Small progress is success!

✔️ 4 Worksheets—3 in 1 Game

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Singing Beginning Blends Completion Certificate

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ABCs Ending Blends

Appropriate for ages (4-6)

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This course is designed to learn the consonant blend sounds of two letters at the ending of a word.


ABCs Ending Blends

This course includes 16 video lessons teaching the ending blend sounds such as pt, rk, ct, lk, ft, and more. Singing the blend sounds reinforces the segmenting and blending of letters through song, aiding also in memory retention. Picture examples are also provided to help your child become familiar with new words and more phonetically aware. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car, at home, or in the classroom. 

Course includes:

✔️ 16 Video lessons

✔️ 16 Practice songs with muted sounds for practicing

✔️ 16 Downloadable cut-and-match word, blend and picture worksheets 

✔️ 3 Easy match worksheets

✔️ 3 Challenging circle and match

✔️ 2 Challenging matching worksheets

✔️ 1 Easy writing worksheet

3 Worksheets—2-in-1 Ending Blends Game

✔️ Growth Sticker chart to mark progress through completed chapters and worksheets

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Singing Ending Blends Completion Certificate

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ABCs Singing Sight Words

Appropriate for ages (4-6)

Coming Soon!

A unique musical approach to learning the sight words. Subscribe to our free course now!


ABCs Singing Sight Words (104 sight words for K-1st grade)

Sight words are high-frequency words children are encouraged to memorize since they come up frequently in books and learning materials. Sight words cover 104 sight words geared towards first graders. There are 8 words to memorize for each video lesson, followed by a video where only the words are seen but the sounds of the words are muted to check the child’s retention. They can shout the word out that they see on the screen if they know it. If not, they can go back to the beginning of the video and review again. Also included in each lesson are reinforcing games and worksheets to use.

Course Includes:

✔️ 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 13 Video lessons learning the sight words along with a practice video where the sounds are muted 

✔️ 26 Songs for practicing (13 songs with sight words sounds and 13 songs with muted sight words sounds)

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Roll the Dice and Identify the Sight Words

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Find and Write the Sight Words

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Find and Circle the Sight Words

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Sight Words Direction Game

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Matching the Sight Words

✔️ 13 Flashcards that have 8 words each set

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️Certificate of Completion of ABCs Singing Sight Words

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ABCs Vowel Sounds

Appropriate for ages (4-7)

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This course covers the long and short vowel sounds, as well as the two vowel sounds of 'y,' long 'e' and a long 'i'.


ABC Singing Vowel Sounds

This course teaches both long and short vowel sounds through engaging music and interactive lessons. Students will explore the vowels A, E, I, O, U, and the letter Y when it acts as a vowel. Step-by-step lessons covering long & short vowels and interactive songs to reinforce pronunciation. Perfect for young learners developing strong vowel recognition and pronunciation skills!

Course Includes:

✔️ 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 6 Video lessons learning the long and short vowels, including y

✔️ 12 songs for practicing (6 with sounds of each vowel, 6 with muted sounds)

✔️ Practice worksheets for hands-on learning

✔️ Engaging activities to build reading confidence

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Completion certificate

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ABCs Short Vowels

Appropriate for ages (4-7)

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This course covers the short vowel sounds found in the middle of simple words. See below for details.


ABCs Singing Short Vowel Sounds 

Introduces the short vowel sounds for a, e, i, o and u and how they sound in the middle of simple words like cat, hit, hut or pot. Learning short vowel sounds helps identify letter names and sounds, and when teaching the vowels, it is best to start with the short vowel sounds. The first words children will learn will be short vowels in simple patterns like fin, cat or hug.  There are 10 worksheets for practicing matching the short vowel sound with the word, one easy and one more challenging so your child continues to build up their word bank. They’ll be singing and having a blast as they learn and practice the different vowel sounds. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car, at home or in the classroom. Help your child’s reading and writing skills soar with this exciting and educational course on short vowel sounds in the middle of words. 

Course Includes:

✔️ 5 Videos to learn the sound and then a muted practice video lesson to follow

✔️ 5 I Spy easy color match of short vowel words starting with each letter

✔️ 5 Easy color and match worksheets

✔️ 5: Spy color and find the short vowel words 

✔️ 1 Short Vowel worksheet to write the short vowel that matches the photo

✔️ 10 practice songs for reinforcing the sounds. (5 songs with the letter sounds pronounced and 5 with the letter sounds muted)

✔️ 5 Worksheets of Treasure Hunt Game

✔️ Growth sticker chart to mark progress by chapter and worksheet completion.

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Completion certificate print out for completing the course

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ABCs Singing Triple Blends

Appropriate for ages (4-7)

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In this course, children will learn how to say the 7 different triple blends. Subscribe to our free course.


ABCs Singing Triple Blends

Our singing triple blend songs course features 7 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following to ascertain retention. Triple blends appear in countless words, and they are an essential skill for early readers and spellers as they encounter them in countless words. There are 24 worksheets that not only practice triple blend writing skills but also reinforce the video lessons. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car, at home, or in the classroom. 

Course Includes:

✔️ 1 growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 3 easy circle and match triple blend worksheets

✔️ 7 build-a-triple blend worksheets

✔️ 4 write triple blend in a sentence worksheets

v 3 Trace and write the triple blend worksheets

✔️ 3 Worksheets for Detective Triple Blends Game

✔️ 2 Worksheets for Guess the Triple Blends Game

✔️ 2 Worksheets for Triple BINGO Game

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Certificate of completion for

Singing the Trigraphs

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ABCs Sight Words Rock

Appropriate for ages (5-7)

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A unique musical approach to learning the sight words. Subscribe to our free course now!


ABCs Sight Words Rock (104 sight words for 1st-2nd grade)

Sight words are high-frequency words children are encouraged to memorize since they come up frequently in books and learning materials. Sight words rock covers 104 sight words geared towards first and second graders. There are 8 words to memorize for each video lesson, followed by a video where only the words are seen but the sounds  are muted to check the child’s retention. They can shout the word out that they see on the screen if they know it. If not, they can go back to the beginning of the video and review again. Also included in each lesson are reinforcing games and worksheets to use.

Course Includes:

✔️ 1 growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 13 video lessons learning the sight words along with a practice video where the sounds are muted

 ✔️ 26 songs for practicing (13 songs with sight words sounds and 13 songs with muted sight words sounds)

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Roll the Dice and Identify the Sight Words

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Find and Write the Sight Words

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Find and Circle the Sight Words

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Sight Words Direction Game

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Matching the Sight Words5 Worksheets Fret Rock Game

✔️ 13 Flashcards that have 8 words each set

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Certificate of Completion for Sight Words Rock Course!

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ABCs Digraph Sounds

Appropriate for Ages (5-8)

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In this course, children will learn how to say the 12 different digraph sounds. Subscribe to our free course today.


ABCs Singing Digraph Sounds

Singing Digraph Songs course features 12 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following to ascertain retention. Digraphs appear in countless words and they are an essential skill for early readers and spellers, as they encounter digraphs in countless words. There are 19 worksheets that not only practice digraph writing skills but also reinforce the video lesson. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car, at home, or in the classroom. 

Course Includes:

✔️ 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 6 Easy fill in the digraph worksheets

✔️ 6 Build a digraph worksheets

✔️ 2 Sorting the digraph worksheets for voiced and unvoiced

✔️ 2 Trace and write the two digraph sounds of wh

✔️3 Fun word-find worksheets

✔️ 6 Worksheets for Digraph Detective Game

✔️ 2 Worksheets for Digraph Stairs and Slides

✔️ 2 Worksheets for Digraph BINGO Game

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Certificate of completion for Singing the Digraphs

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ABCs Vowel Blends

Appropriate for ages (5-8)

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This course covers the many different vowel blends and vowel teams. See below for details.


ABCs Singing Vowel Blends

This course is designed to teach students the intricacies of vowel blends and teams. There are 16 video lessons of the five silent or magic "e" vowel blends and the vowel teams covering (ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, igh, oa, oe, ow, ui, ue, and more). This course also covers the tricky half "u" and long "u" sounds in the “ue vowel blend”, “u with magic e” sounds and “u sound can look like ew,” allowing for a broader understanding of the vowel blend concepts. The worksheets provide opportunities for students to practice what they've learned in the video lessons, helping them internalize the vowel blends and vowel teams. A growth sticker chart is provided for checking motivation and reminding students of their progress through the course. Lastly, there is a completion certificate they can print out when they finish the course. 

Course Includes:

✔️ 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 18 Video lessons learning the vowel blends along with a practice video where the sounds are muted 

✔️ 36 Songs for practicing (18 songs with letter sounds and 18 songs with muted letter sounds)

✔️ 7 Worksheets for easy coloring of the vowel blends

✔️ 7 Worksheets for identifying the long vowel blends

✔️ 7 Worksheets for vowel adventure matching vowel blends to picture

✔️ 7 Worksheets for Funny Phonics Game

✔️ 7 Worksheets for Guess and Write

✔️ 1 Worksheet for Magic e Games

✔️Course Assessment

✔️ Certificate of completion for Singing Vowel Blends

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ABCs Singing Syllable Types

Appropriate for ages (5-8)

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A unique musical approach to learning the syllable types. Subscribe to our free course now!


ABC Singing the Syllable Types

This course is designed to teach students the six different syllable types through engaging, music-based lessons. Students will progress from one-syllable words to two- and three-syllable words, reinforcing their ability to decode and build words confidently.

Course Includes:

✔️ Covers: Closed, Open, Silent E, Vowel Team, R-Controlled, and Consonant-le syllables

✔️ 11 video lessons with interactive practice

✔️ 22 songs for practicing

✔️ Worksheets to reinforce each concept

✔️ Progress tracking with a growth sticker chart

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Completion certificate to celebrate success

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ABCs Singing Suffix

Appropriate for ages (5-8)

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The Suffix Series teaches 12 key suffix rules, helping kids master how to add -s, -es, -ed, -ied, -ing, and more through engaging songs and activities.


ABC Singing the Syllable Types

The course teaches 12 essential rules for adding suffixes like -s, -es, -ed, -ied, and -ing in a fun, structured way. Children learn when to simply add a suffix, when spelling changes occur, and special cases like doubling consonants or dropping silent e.

Topics include plural rules, past tense endings, and vowel team adjustments. Each lesson includes interactive songs, engaging worksheets, and fun games to reinforce learning. An end-of-course assessment helps track progress, ensuring kids retain and apply their new spelling skills with confidence. Ideal for ages 5-8.

Course Includes:

✔️ Music Player

✔️ 12 songs for practicing

✔️ Worksheets to reinforce each concept

✔️ Progress tracking with a growth sticker chart

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Completion certificate to celebrate success

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ABCs Trigraph Sounds

Appropriate for ages (6-9)

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This course is designed to learn the trigraph sounds in the middle or end of words.


ABCs Singing Trigraph Sounds

Our singing trigraph sounds course features 15 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following each lesson to ascertain retention. A trigraph is a single sound represented by three letters such as ear, air, ure, tch, ore and more. Trigraphs appear in countless words and they are an essential skill for early readers and spellers as they encounter them in their reading journey. There are 32 worksheets that not only practice trigraph blend writing skills but also reinforce the video lessons. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car, at home, or in the classroom. 

Course Includes:

✔️ 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 8 Trigraph ice cream scoop worksheets

✔️ 7 Trigraph word searches worksheets

✔️ 7 Trigraph word puzzle worksheets

✔️ 8 Trigraph say it, write it worksheets

✔️ 2 Word find trigraph worksheets

✔️ 1 Find the TrigraphCertificate of

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Completion Certificate for Singing the Trigraphs

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ABCs Quadgraph Sounds

Appropriate for ages (6-9)

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ABCs Singing the Quadgraphs covers the 6 sounds of ough, eigh, and augh with worksheets and more.


ABCs Singing Quadgraph Sounds

Our singing Quadgraph sounds course features 5 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following each lesson to a certain retention. A quadgraph is a single sound represented by four letters, such as eigh, augh and ough. Quadgraphs appear in countless words and they are an essential skill for early readers and spellers as they encounter them in their reading journey.  There are fun worksheets that not only practice quadgraph writing skills but also reinforce the video lessons. Also included are downloadable songs to practice in the car, at home, or in the classroom.

Course Includes:

✔️ 1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 10 songs for practicing (5 songs with quadgraph sounds, 5 songs with muted sounds)

✔️ 5 Easy Circle and Write Quadgraph worksheets

✔️ 5 Easy Write and Match Quadgraph worksheets

✔️ 5 Say it, Write it Quadgraph worksheets

✔️ Guess the Quadgraph worksheets

✔️Course Assessment

✔️ Certificate of completion for Singing the Quadgraphs

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ABCs Vowel Teams

Appropriate for ages (6-9)

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This course covers the many different vowel teams. See below for details.


ABCs Singing Vowel Teams

Our singing vowel teams course features 13 video lessons with muted practice video immediately following to ascertain retention. A vowel team can be either two vowels that make one sound, but these vowels, when together, make an unusual sound. For instance, the “ey” sound in this series has a “long a” sound. “Ey” also has the long e sound, which we cover under the Singing Vowel Blends course. There are worksheets that not only practice the vowel teams (also known as dipthongs) but also writing skills to reinforce the video lessons. Creation stations are embedded within some of our worksheets to spark some creativity after they are done learning the concepts.

Course Includes:

✔️ 1 growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 13 video lessons learning the vowel blends along with a practice video where the sounds are muted 

✔️26 songs for practicing (13 songs with letter sounds and 13 songs with muted letter sounds)

✔️ 7 Worksheets for Writing the Vowel Teams

✔️ 7 Worksheets for Finding the Vowel Teams

✔️ 7 Worksheets for Identifying the vocal Teams

✔️ 7 Worksheets for Color the Vowel Teams

✔️ 7 Worksheets for Roll and Read Vowel Teams 

✔️ 1 Worksheet for Vowel Team Match specifically for the two sounds of "oo."

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Certificate of Completion of the Singing the trigraph Course

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ABCs Singing Sassy Sight Words

Appropriate for ages (7-9)

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A unique musical approach to learning the sight words. Subscribe to our free course now!


ABCs Singing Sassy Sight Words (104 sight words for 3rd grade)

Sight words are high-frequency words children are encouraged to memorize because they appear often in books and learning materials. This course covers 104 sight words specifically selected for 3rd graders. Each video lesson introduces 8 new words to learn, followed by a review video where the words are shown without sound to test the child's memory. They can shout out the words they recognize. If they don't know a word, they can rewatch the video from the beginning for review. Each lesson also includes fun games, worksheets, and flash cards to reinforce learning.

Course Includes:

1 Growth sticker chart to mark the progress through the video lessons and each worksheet

✔️ 13 Video lessons learning the sight words along with a practice video where the sounds are muted 

✔️ 13 Songs for practicing sight words

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Roll the Dice and Identify the Sight Words

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Finding the Sight Words

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Sight Words Board Game

✔️ 13 Worksheets for Sight Words Memory Match Game

✔️ 13 Worksheet for Sight Words Meme Game

✔️ 13 Flashcards that have 8 words each set 

✔️ Course Assessment

✔️ Certificate of Completion for ABCs Singing Sassy Sight Words

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ABCs Singing the Schwa Sound

Appropriate for ages (7-9)

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This course teaches the trickiest vowel sound in English—the schwa—which appears in unstressed syllables.


ABCs Singing the Schwa Sound

The ABC Singing the Schwa Sound course teaches the trickiest vowel sound in English—the schwa—which appears in unstressed syllables. Students will explore how all vowels, including Y, can take on the schwa sound in different syllable positions. This advanced course builds on prior knowledge of syllable types and word stress to improve pronunciation and decoding skills. Engaging worksheets, interactive games, a book list, and muted practice tracks provide a well-rounded learning experience.

The ABC Singing the Schwa Sound course focuses on mastering the most unpredictable vowel sound in English—the schwa. This advanced course is designed for students who have already learned syllable types and word stress, as the schwa sound always appears in unstressed syllables.

Students will discover how all vowels, including Y, can take on the schwa sound in different syllable positions. Through structured lessons, they will learn to identify, pronounce, and decode words with schwa vowels.

This course includes: 

✔️ A growth sticker chart to track progress 

✔️ Worksheets to practice identifying the schwa vowel in words 

✔️ Pronunciation matching games for reinforcement 

✔️ Additional fun activities to strengthen understanding 

✔️ A curated book list for extended learning 

✔️ Muted practice tracks for offline learning 

✔️ A full assessment to check retention

By the end of the course, students will have a strong grasp of how to recognize and pronounce the schwa sound confidently, improving their overall fluency and reading comprehension.

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